Request to Visit – School Administrator Highschool

Questions marked with a * are required
High School Groups Form
Our group visits for High Schools are designed especially for High School students to learn more information about attending UTEP and to experience all that UTEP has to offer. The capacity for High School groups is 90 students per session.
Please provide the following information (All fields required)
Organization/School Name: (Organización/nombre de la escuela)
Grade Level of participants in group: (Edad de los participantes en el grupo)
Number of Students: (Número de estudiantes) 
Number of Chaperones: (Número de chaperones)
Requested Visit Date: (Fecha de solicitud de visita) *Please note: dates are subject to change depending on Student Guide availability
Requested Time
Preferred language: (Idioma de preferencia) 
Anticipated date of entry: (Fecha de entrada prevista)
Do you require any ADA accommodations? (¿Algún miembro de su grupo tiene alguna discapacidad que requiera una adaptación?)
Field Trip Supervisor: individual that will be responsible for completing all necessary forms and accompanying group on day of visit. 
(Supervisor de viaje escolar: Persona responsable de cumplir con todos los documentos necesarios para la visita y que acompañará al grupo durante la visita. )
Field Trip Supervisor First Name: (Nombre del supervisor de viaje escolar)
Field Trip Supervisor Last Name: (Apellido(s) del supervisor de viaje escolar)
Contact Telephone Number: (Número de teléfono principal)
Contact Email Address: (Correo electrónico principal)
Please indicate if one of your main areas of interest is the Centennial Museum.
Notes / Comments: 
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